1 Durham Plan: Uniting for Progress and Equity

The 1 Durham Plan envisions a vibrant and united city that embraces change and progress, led by leadership that establishes vital connections to drive our city into a prosperous future. This plan is built on the foundation of community, accountability, economic empowerment, and innovation. By fostering unity, embracing technology, and addressing pressing challenges head-on, we will create a city that works for everyone.

Key Pillars:

  1. Community Unity and Accountability

  2. Economic Empowerment

  3. Innovative Housing Solutions

  4. Crime Prevention and Mentorship

  5. Transparency and Accountability

Conclusion: The 1 Durham Plan represents a comprehensive vision for a united city that thrives on progress and inclusivity. By focusing on community engagement, economic empowerment, housing solutions, crime prevention, and accountability, we will transform Durham into a city of opportunity for all residents. As Mayor, I am committed to leading this charge, driven by your voices and fueled by innovation. Together, we can create a Durham that sets an example for the nation—a city that embraces diversity, equity, and prosperity.

Join us in making the vision of 1 Durham a reality. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.


Contact Us

Address to send contribution checks or other communication by mail to Marshall 4 Mayor:

P.O. Box 14223
Durham NC 27709

Email: marshall@marshallwilliamsjr.com

Media contact: 

Paid for by Marshall 4 Mayor